Wednesday, December 22, 2021

How to Fill the Live Scan Request Form

Although fingerprinting through Live Scan, Los Angeles has become common, especially for employee background check, you may still be unaware of the process, until you require it for the first time. First things first; employment agencies, employers or licensing authorities may request applicants to conduct background check as a part of the employment or licensing process. So, odds are high that you too may need to conduct fingerprinting at least once in a lifetime. It is therefore, a good idea keep some information about the same.

Live Scan Request Form  

The agencies may either provide applicants with the Live Scan request form or ask them to find the same on the website, take a print out and carry the filled form to the Live Scan center. Considering the fact that fingerprinting is an important process, it is normal to be skeptical about filling the form. Applicants may consider taking help from the technician at the center before submission.

However, it is important for them to understand that the technician is certified and experienced in his task of taking impressions correctly. In fact, they are also responsible for capturing clear and legible fingerprints. What’s more, they even recapture the prints more than once in case of discrepancy. So, although he or she is an expert at this job, they may not prove to be helpful in filling the Live Scan Request form. They are not equipped with knowledge of the same.

It is therefore, advisable to fill the form yourself or take help from the employment agency requesting for the form.

Here’s why the technician would be at a loss in offering help and why you can do it yourself.

  • Personal Information: Personal Information like first name, middle name, last name, date of birth, height, weight etc is required. These details are known to none others but the applicant itself.
  • ORI (Originating Agency Identification): Every employer or agency requesting for Live Scan is given an ORI (a unique code) by the DOJ. The results of background check are returned to the agency based on this unique code. Multiple agencies with innumerable such codes exist around the state and country. Technicians are unaware of this and therefore, unable to provide required information.
  • More than one live scan form: A variety of live scan forms depending on the job or license being applied for are available. Technicians might make a mistake about the type of form required. It is therefore, recommended to enquire with the agency about the type of form required and then fills the same.
  • Other Information: Other details required in the form include Eye color, hair color, height, and weight, and social security number, place of birth and residence address. These can be filled by the applicant conveniently. They are certainly not available with the technician.

So, filling the form with personal details does not categorically require the assistance or help of a Live Scan technician. In fact, visiting the center with a completed live scan request form ensures quick and smooth movement of the fingerprinting process. On submission of the live scan request form, the technician captures the prints in not more than a few seconds. So, completing the form prior to taking the appointment is ideal. Besides filling the form appropriately, it is also important to choose the right live scan center that is authorized, employs certified technicians and provides unsurpassed services. One such is Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan.

For further details, contact them at 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Raising the Curtain from Background Check Myths

Thanks to the significant technological advancements, fingers, palms, irises and face are being used as biometrics authentication almost everywhere. Your office entrance asks for biometric authentication with the face ID or fingerprints. In fact, the smart phone you use everyday also has a face ID or palm prints. The use of passwords has declined and successfully replaced with biometric identification of various kinds.

Biometrics in Background check  

More important things where fingerprints are used are in is background check of prospective employees and license applicants. Most employers and licensing authorities require applicants to conduct background check through live scan service, Los Angeles. This is done to peep into their criminal background in a bid to ensure hiring right. In fact, some industries are mandated by law to conduct background check while hiring.

FBI fingerprints los angeles

Busting Myths of Background Check

However; although including background check in the pre-employment process is beneficial, there are certain myths surrounding the same.

Here’s a list of a few.

Fingerprint based background checks take a long time to give results: Well, this was true years ago, but not anymore. Thanks to live scan service, fingerprints are now electronically captured in less than five minutes. The same are transmitted to the FBI or DOJ almost immediately. What’s more, with the AFIS in place at the FBI, scanning prints and sending results is done across a span of 24 to 72 hours. So, it is quick and therefore, decisions can be made without delay.

Caretakers around vulnerable audience always go through background check: As kids and seniors are more vulnerable o criminal acts, it is always beneficial to conduct background check before hiring them. However, it is a mistake to presume that all people applying for such responsible positions through agencies. To save yourself from grave situations, it is advisable check whether background check has been conducted or not prior to hiring.

All kinds of background check return the same results: Besides fingerprint based authentication, background check through name, date of birth etc is also prevalent. However, it is a myth that all of them return similar results. Fingerprint based background check screens the prints with the database held at the FBI. Some background check return results searched from the Internet using name and other details. A few others are done by companies by checking through name. Well, as the same can belong to more than one person, odds are high that the information received is incorrect. However, as fingerprints are unique and are screened with the extensive database of criminal records at the FBI, they are the most reliable.

Companies providing home services hire only trustworthy employees: This is a myth. All companies providing home services like plumbing, electricians, cleaners etc may not include background check as a part of their pre-employment process. Presuming that all of them do it may be a grave mistake. So, it is advisable to check with the companies before hiring such home services.

So, now that the myths are busted, you can conduct background check to serve your purpose.

Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan service is not only reliable, but also provides exceptional services. For further details, contact tem at

Monday, November 22, 2021

The Need for and Process of Background Check

Many employers, both public and private are mandated by law to use fingerprint service Los Angeles to perform background check of prospective hires as a part of the per-employment process. Especially people to be hired as caretakers of the more vulnerable audience like kids and seniors have to undergo fingerprint based background check. This is mandated in many industries including insurance, pharmacy technicians and more. All individuals obtaining professional licenses are also required to go through background check. 

Conducting Background Check

Here’s how this is done.

The AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) is the FBI’s automated system that scans the fingerprints with the extensive database of criminal and civil records of offenses held by FBI and DOJ. This reveals criminal records, if any to the requesting agency. The agency or employer can then make a sound hiring decision and keep people with criminal records at bay, while ensuring safety at the workplace and the employees.

Fingerprints for Personal Identification 

Fingerprint Identification has long been used for identifying criminals and nabbing them on the basis of their fingerprints, which act as evidence in the court of law. In the recent past, the same service is being used by employers and agencies to recruit people with a clean record. It is mandatory for some industries. Others can also conduct background check in a bid to maintain a safe work environment.

 So, here’s the process of fingerprint based background check.

  • First and foremost, the applicant is required to fill a live scan fingerprint form, which includes all the personal details. This form is mostly given by the employer to the applicants applying for the job.
  • The form must be carefully filled with all the required details.
  • Once the form is filled, the next step would be to visit a live scan center for capturing and scanning fingerprints. Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan is one of the authorized live scan centers that have experienced and trained technicians to capture the prints of applicants. Applicants place their fingers on the scanner under the supervision of the technician. The captured prints are electronically transmitted to the DOJ or FBI for screening with their extensive database. Results are then returned to the requesting agency or employer only. None other is authorized to collect this information. Hiring decisions are based on the results.
  • Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan also provides mobile live scan services where the technician comes with equipment to the client’s specified place at the specified time. Extra charges are levied for traveling.

So, live scan services are a great way to hire people without a criminal record for all kinds of offenses. Hiring such people is a sure shot way to keep employees and the workplace safe and free form crime and fraud.

For instance: Not hiring a person with a criminal record of embezzling money is definitely a measure to keep money from being embezzled or falling into the wrong hands. So, background check is a great thing to be included in the pre employment process. Anshi Mobile Notary & LiveScan can help you with the same.

For further detail, contact them at 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

How to Choose the Right Kind of Fingerprint for You

Fingerprint service, Los Angeles has been successfully serving law enforcement agencies in solving multiple criminal and civil cases. In fact, in the recent past, it is being used for background check of prospective employees across various organizations. What’s more, it is mandatory in certain industries to include fingerprint based background check in the pre-employment process. It is also imperative for people being hired as caretakers for the vulnerable audience like the elderly, ill and children. Well, even industries that are not mandated can benefit from fingerprint based background check. They may include it in the pre-employment process in a bid to ensure employee and workplace safety by keeping away people with a criminal past from the workplace. 

FBI fingerprints los angeles

Different Types of Fingerprinting

Well, it is important to understand that the organization can choose to fingerprint prospective employees in different ways depending upon their goals of conducting background check.

So, here’s a list of different kinds of background check.

·         Traditional Fingerprinting on Cards: Although the process of manual fingerprinting has now advanced to electronic fingerprinting through scanners, it continues to be a preference in some industries. Here, the applicant’s fingers are dipped in ink and then each finger is rolled from left to right on a card. All the fingers are also pressed down on a card for the prints. These are then mailed to the FBI or state or county authorities to be updated in the respective database. For background screening, the same process of printing and mailing is required for screening the prints with the database to return details of criminal records if any.

This method has shortcomings like longer processing time due to manual process and risk of errors.

·         The Modern Electronic Fingerprinting Method: This method puts these shortcomings to rest. The scanner at the live scan center captures fingerprints in a few seconds or minutes. All the applicant needs to do is place their hand on the scanner, while it captures their prints in digital format and transmits the same in a matter of minutes to the FBI for background screening with its extensive database.

Thanks to the digitized system, screening results are also returned quickly across a span of 24 to 48 hours, as against the span of week or more in the manual process. This method reduces the risk of errors and shortens the processing time significantly, thus, axing the time required for making hiring decisions.

·         Fingerprint Research: Some employers may not be content with the above background check methods. They may require an in-depth insight into the criminal history of the applicants to up their safety requirements. In such case, they conduct criminal record research from the originating court. Here, all details regarding arrests, convictions and more can be found, which is helpful in making sound employment decisions.

So, organizations can choose any of the above methods depending on their turnaround time and comprehensiveness of background check process.

Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan offers fingerprinting and notary services for its esteemed customers. So, if you require any, find the details at

Sunday, October 24, 2021

What Information is hidden in Fingerprints

Since the time scientists first realized that fingerprints are the unique form of personal identification for people, it has traversed a long and significant journey. Fingerprinting has been useful in solving criminal and civil cases from more than a hundred years. Initially, prints were taken manually by dipping fingers in ink and printing the same on cards. However, with technological advancements, Live scan service, LosAngeles came into vogue.

Electronic Fingerprinting

The advent of scanners gave birth to digital fingerprinting. Finger prints began being captured electronically at authorized live scan centers in digital format. Matching prints for personal identification became faster and easier. 

Fingerprint los angeles

Thanks to automation and speed, the use of fingerprints has widened to include background checks, mass disaster identification and bio-metric security; besides solving criminal cases.

Over the years, fingerprinting has become easier, quicker and more efficient. Capturing prints, picking them up from various surfaces, matching them with the database etc is much easier. What’s more, fingerprints now reveal much more about their owner; lifestyle, what they’ve touched, what they have eaten; not to forget the drugs and medicines they have taken.

Information Attained from Fingerprints

Here’s how

The ridges on the tips of fingers have a characteristic pattern. It is this unique pattern that helps in personal identification. The pattern has in it traces of sweat and substances consumed by the owner of the prints. Well, although fingerprints are usually invisible to the naked eye, they can be retrieved for analysis with the help of chemical substances.

Research studies have revealed that the surface of a mobile phone exposes personal details of the owner like cosmetics, medicines, food stuff and everything else that the mobile is exposed to in the environment. Similarly, everything that is touched by a person is present on the fingers and thereby captured in the prints. What’s more, as fingerprints also have traces of the sweat of its owner’s body, it reveals even more details. For instance: Details about medicines consumed can also be retrieved with prints, as the sweat contains hint of substances present in the bloodstream. In fact, prints are also used to check if the medicine is being absorbed properly in a patient’s body, especially for patients with diseases like diabetes, epilepsy, where regular medication is imperative. In fact, it helps in understanding whether the patient is not taking or forgetting to consume his or her medicines. Moreover, in case medicines are not absorbed by the body, doctors can prescribe substitutes.

Prints Reveal Exposure to Drugs

Prints also reveal whether the owner consumes or is exposed to drugs. Even blood stains or exposure to explosive substances can be determined through advanced fingerprint analysis. This data helps in identifying and nabbing criminals. So, fingerprints do provide an insight into a whole lot of things about their owner. The science of fingerprinting has gone through a long journey and managed to reveal more and more characteristics of a person.

However, it has not paused. Advanced research may come up with better and more analysis. Let us wait and watch what more fingerprints might reveal in future.

For now, for any fingerprint analysis, you can visit Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan, where fingerprints can be taken electronically for background check etc. They provide unsurpassed services and boast of a highly skilled and experienced team.

For further details, contact them at  

Sunday, October 17, 2021

All You Need to Know About the AFIS

A set of fingerprints are entered into the computer, and before the wink of an eye, what flashes on the screen are the particulars of the person, his or her criminal history and other details. Thanks to technological advancements, what took hours and days in the past when done manually is now done in a matter of seconds and minutes.

Kudos to the efficient system; better known as AFIS!


AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) is an automated process of matching one or more fingerprints with several known and unknown fingerprints. AFIS in United States holds a large set of fingerprints obtained by the local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and cops. It is managed by the FBI. So, live scan centers providing fingerprint service, Los Angeles capture the client’s fingerprints and transmit the same electronically to the FBI. Here, the prints are matched with the vast database held by the FBI with the help of AFIS. Details are then returned to the requesting agency.

FBI fingerprints los angeles

AFIS – The Perfect System

Since the birth of the AFIS in the 1980’s, it has become central to the work of the police and other law enforcement agencies. It plays a primary role in personal identification of criminals, others and of people suspected to have committed a crime. So, when the police find a set of fingerprints at the crime site, they capture the same and match them with the FBI’s database to identify and nab the criminal. The same process is also used for background check of prospective employees, licensing, and prevention of fraudulent activities. What’s more, automation leaves no scope for errors. Captured prints are precisely matched and results returned quickly.

Before AFIS

The use of fingerprinting for personal identification has been in use for personal identification for over a century. However, the system of matching prints was manual prior to the birth of the AFIS. Then, fingers were dipped in ink and print captured on paper and stored as ‘RAP sheets.’ It was managed with the FBI. The FBI had an extensive database. When prints were required to be matched, expert technicians matched the prints manually with all the prints available at the FBI. It often took days to weeks for the results. So, the process suffered from shortcomings like elongated screening time and erroneous results.

So, modern technology of AFIS which successfully beats the laborious and time consuming manual process of the past seems magical. However, it did not come easy. Intensive research and development that went on for a long period of five decades has gone into the invention of this efficient tool that now makes fingerprint based identification much easier, quicker and convenient.

Fingerprint based Background Check with AFIS

The uniqueness of fingerprints and efficiency of AFIS has widened its use from criminal identification to other tasks, particularly background check. People applying for licenses or jobs are now requested by the agency or employer to conduct background check by visiting a live scan center like Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan. Here, the expert and experienced technician capture the fingerprints of clients with the help of a scanner in a few minutes. The same are then transmitted to the FBI or DOJ for screening. Results used for hiring and licensing decisions are then given to the requesting agency and none other than them.

So, for the best fingerprinting service is Los Angeles, visit them at

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Uses and Advantages of FBI Fingerprinting Services

Thanks to technological advancements, it is common to hear people being identified by their physical or biological characteristics. Whether it is the workplace, a criminal investigation, employee background check or more, bio-metrics is popularly used. In fact, the basic smart phone is also now opened with bio-metrics like fingerprint, face identification etc.


Among others, fingerprinting has been known as the gold standard of personal identification for more than a century. Our crime shows have been displaying it time and again. For; fingerprints are the unique form of identification, which are not the same even in twins and siblings. What’s more, they do not change even with age, until the deep (or basal) layer is destroyed due to various reasons like burning, plastic surgery and others. So, fingerprints captured at a young age can be useful even after many years for personal identification.  

FBI Fingerprinting Service

Well, it is important to know that this is possible due to the FBI fingerprinting service, Los Angeles. The FBI maintains a database of criminal records. This record contains the information of all arrests and convictions made at the local, state and federal level by various law enforcement agencies and cops. So, whenever a latent print is found at the crime scene, it is matched with the FBI database to attain a list of potential suspects or accused. This method has helped in solving a large number of criminal cases over the years.  

Matching Fingerprints  

The International Fingerprint Database, also known as AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) is also used by authorized users in member countries for crimes and offences with an international aspect.

Fingerprints are either captured by dipping fingers in ink and printing on paper or through electronic scanners where prints are captured and transmitted electronically. The procedure of electronic fingerprinting is better known as Live Scan fingerprinting. Certain live scan centers are authorized to capture the prints in a certain specified procedure. Ink printing is a process of the past. The prints submitted by live scan centers are matched with the FBI database with the help of AFIS. As against the conventional method, this method returns results across a span of 24 to 48 hours. What’s more, it has also reduced the occurrence of errors. The AFIS contains around 220,000 fingreprint records and 17,000 marks captured from crime scenes.

So, thanks to the FBI fingerprinting service, personal identification for various purposes is simple and convenient.

Fingerprint based background check

Well, the use of fingerprinting service is not limited to criminal investigation. It is popularly used for background check of prospective employees in a bid to keep employees and the workplace safe and protected. The process remains the same. Fingerprints of applicants are captured at the live scan center and transmitted to the FBI for matching with the AFIS. The hiring decision is based on the results. A person with a criminal record is mostly rejected and the one with a clean record is hired.

So, categorically, fingerprinting has extended its credibility from solving crime scenes to employee background check, identification of victims in natural disasters and many more. However, for trustworthy results, it is advisable to choose the right live scan center like Anshin Mobile Notary & Live Scan.

For further details, contact them at  

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Common Background Checks For Employers

People are the most valuable resource in a company. A superb team of workers may turn a decent company into a great one. You have performance management and evaluation systems in place to keep track of employee productivity and help them improve, but it's ideal if you avoid employing people who aren't a good match for your company. Background verification plays an important role in selecting the right employees with the use of fingerprint services in Los Angeles. There are various types of verification procedures, and six of these are the most basic ones.

6 Types of Background Verification for New Hires

  • Candidate history
  • Criminal record
  • Credit score
  • Gamer profile
  • Personal background
  • Professional license

The standards that an employer must follow while performing a background check should be clearly understood by the candidate. Employers who are knowledgeable about state and federal laws are less likely to face legal issues in the future.

A background check is used to acquire information on a person or company in order to determine if they are trustworthy, dependable, or credible. Indeed, a person's previous acts have no bearing on his or her future behaviour. It still holds a lot of importance for employers. If you are looking a reliable fingerprinting Service in Los Angeles, then connect with Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan by visiting or dial 1-424-253-8149 to talk to them in person.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

An In depth insight into the live scan fingerprinting process

Although live scan fingerprinting is a term most people are associated with, they often nurse some doubts about the process. Here are the answers to the most common questions, thus, providing an insight into the procedure.   

Applying for a job may send you to Live scan fingerprint service, Los AngelesHere’s how.

 In a bid to ensure workplace and employee safety, employers are now requesting prospective employees to conduct a fingerprint based background check.  Fingerprints captured at the live scan center return the FBI criminal record history report. This report contains information as possessed by the FBI in relation to the arrests information received from local, state and federal agencies.  FBI’s Automated Fingerprint identification system (AFIS) matches the captured fingerprints with the prints in its massive database to reveal reliable information about the applicant.

FBI fingerprints los angeles

Everything about Fingerprinting

Well, applicants often have multiple questions related to fingerprinting. Here are a few of them along with their respective answers.

  • Where fingerprinting should be done?

Authorized fingerprinting services are provided at live scan centers like Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan. More often than not, employers specify the center to be visited by the applicant. In the absence of this, applicants can look for a live scan center near them and fix an appointment for printing. Some centers like Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan also provide mobile services at the client’s specified location and time. 

  • Fixing an Appointment

 Although live scan centers do not insist on fixing a prior appointment, it is advisable to schedule an appointment to avoid undue delay in the process.

  • Time Taken for fingerprinting

Certified technicians trained and experienced in capturing digital fingerprints take about 5 to 10 minutes to capture the prints through the electronic scanner. They are then electronically transmitted to the FBI for conducting background check.

  • What information is required?

The FBI requires certain personal information to conduct fingerprint based background check. This information ranges from name, age, hair color, height, weight, address, contact number and more so.

  • Is the personal information secure?

Reliable fingerprinting services like Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan are responsible for safeguarding the privacy of their clients.

  • What if the appointment is cancelled in less than 24 hours?

A cancellation fee is often charged for not showing up or cancelling the appointment in less than 24 hours before the scheduled time.

  • When are the captured prints rejected?

Although the shift over from manual to digital fingerprinting has significantly reduced the chances of errors, illegible or blurred fingerprints continue to be a problem. In such case, they are rejected and the process must be done again.

  • How long are the criminal history records available?

The criminal history records are available online for 30 days. The information is purged by the system if records are not accessed within the same period. Once results are accessed, they can be held for seven days, in which they can be saved or printed. If the same is not done in seven days, they are purged in the system. It is therefore, advisable to access the report and get it printed or save it at a reliable source. For; once the information is purged in the system, it cannot be retained. For the results, the entire process must be repeated. 

As per law, the criminal history report cannot be shared with anyone except the requesting agency. The information is confidential. When required by any other agency or employer, the process must be repeated.

So, now that you are clear about the fingerprinting process, you can visit a reliable live scan center like Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan when required.

For further details, contact them at

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Places Where Fingerprints Are Found

Fingerprinting has stood through time as the unchallenged leader for personal identification.

Thanks to the uniqueness of human fingerprints, they have helped in identifying people breaking the law; both criminal and civil. From more than a century, it has helped law enforcement agencies nab law breakers and criminals and solving both simple and complicated cases.

So, where are these fingerprints that help law enforcement agencies found.

FBI fingerprints los angeles

Finding Fingerprints

Here’s more about this.

Categorically, fingerprints are found on almost all kinds of surfaces. Well, they are divided into three categories depending on the kind of surface on which they are found. Here’s the list.

  • Soft surfaces like wax, soap, wet paint etc. Prints on such surfaces are mostly three dimensional plastic prints. They can be retrieved from these surfaces easily and used for personal identification. 
  • Hard surfaces, smooth and rough, porous and non-porous. Fingerprints can be found on all such surfaces which include furniture, glass, wood, paper, metal, plastic etc. However, while some of these prints may be patent (or visible), the others may be latent (or invisible). Fingerprints on a glass held with dirty hands are clearly visible. Blood stained prints on a table at a crime site are an example of visible fingerprints. The invisible or latent prints are those left by people on everything they touch; thanks to the sweat and dirt present on their fingers. Classic examples are prints found by crime investigating agencies on door knobs, furniture left by the criminal unknowingly.

Matching Captured Fingerprints

Well, while it is easy to capture visible prints on hard and soft surfaces for screening, getting latent prints requires the use of fingerprint powder or other chemical agents. The captured prints are commonly screened with the massive database of fingerprints present with the FBI to identify criminals. The FBI maintains an extensive database of fingerprints of all criminals, arrested and convicted at state and federal level. So, when any prints require to be screened for criminal identification or retrieval of past criminal records, the prints are matched with the FBI database. Once screened, identifying and nabbing the criminal is easy.

Fingerprint based Background Check

The use of fingerprinting has extended beyond criminal cases in the recent past. It is popularly used for background check of prospective employees and license holders. Most employers include fingerprint based background check prior to employment in a bid to maintain workplace and employee safety. The fingerprints of applicants are screened at an authorized Live scan center providing Fingerprinting service, Los Angeles.

Getting Fingerprinted

Employers require taking the applicant’s consent for fingerprinting. Then, they can either go to a reputed live scan center like Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan or the one as directed by the prospective employer or licensing agency.

They can reach out by making an appointment at the center. During the visit, the prints are digitally captured with the help of a scanner. They are then electronically transmitted to the FBI for further screening and results are returned to the requesting agency within a short span of 24 to 48 hours. Employers base their hiring decision on the results.

So, for exceptional and unsurpassed services, Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan is the undeniable choice.

For further details, contact them at   

Monday, September 6, 2021

Livescan Fingerprint Solution At An Affordable Price!


There are various services that provide Livescan fingerprint in Los Angeles, however, it will be challenging for you to find a reliable service to fall back on. The LiveScan fingerprints Los Angeles is an electronic method to transfer the data to the department of justice (DOJ) within a few minutes. Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan delivers the best results for all kinds of professional fingerprint work along with Livescan, apostille, and notary. These services are available at affordable prices! For more information, or call 424-253-8149 now.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Who needs a live scan fingerprint check and how?

Live scan fingerprinting is required by almost all professions that work on a contract or are responsible for the health benefits and care of the community. Their conduct would directly affect the community and therefore they need to get an unblemished character certificate before an employer hires them. Live scanning is a simple procedure, and you can hire a live scan fingerprint service for the authentic and accountable procedure and result.  

People in various professions require live scans like teachers, doctors, nurses, surgeons, security guards, professionals holding a license, volunteers, caregivers. Professionals responsible for another person or the community needs to go through a background verification before employment.  

FBI fingerprints los angeles
The procedure of live scan fingerprinting is done through electronic fingerprints, the fingerprint scan is transferred immediately to the Department of Justice for a criminal background check. Earlier fingerprints used to be recorded on paper with ink and then scanned, which took time, slowed the procedure, and resulted in poor quality background checks. The latest technology of live scan fingerprinting has replaced this old process of scanning.Now the scans are sent immediately to the Los Angeles Department of Justice in a matter of seconds. The Department of Justice further forwards these scan results to the FBI if a criminal record check is required. 

What is a criminal background check?

The instructions for a criminal background check form must be procured from live scan fingerprinting services Los Angeles

Once the form is filled and a live scan of fingerprints is recorded, the results are sent for a criminal background check to the Department of Justice whose database searches for information about the individual. If the DOJ database has no information about the individual, then the scan report is forwarded to the FBI. Complete criminal background information is retrieved from this source. This may take some time, but it is worth the wait if any new information is received. 

Why hire Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan?

  • They come to you for a live scan at your suitable time.
  • They perform a biometric live scan and fill the right forms without using too much of your time. 
  • They are a top professional notary service in Los Angeles.
  • Contact them for a hassle-free live scan fingerprint service Los Angeles
  • Visit today. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Why is it Important to Notarize Documents

Notarizing property agreements wills and other legal agreements may not be one of the tasks you would like to engage in. In fact, some people wonder what the fuss of visiting a Notary Public, Los Angeles is all about. When two or more parties mutually enter into and sign an agreement, then why the need for a third party to sign and seal the document.

The Need for Notarization

Well, the primary purpose behind notarization is to safeguard the signer. Simply signing agreements in good faith is not advisable. What if the other party backs away from their word? What if they fail to keep up to the clauses mentioned in the agreement. What if they refuse to have entered into an agreement?  

So, notarization makes the agreement legally binding in the court of law. The notary public acts as an impartial witness to the signing of important documents. They make it legally binding with proof of witness provided. Staying away from what has been agreed upon in the agreement is not possible anymore. What’s more, for issues that may come up in future, a notarized document acts as evidence in court of law.

For instance: If the signee backs away from their word of paying up the loan amount in a pre-determined time, the signer (or lender) can present the notarized document as proof of loan agreement in the court of law. However, the same is not true in the absence of notarization of the loan agreement. Other witnesses, if any could be partial to any of the parties. Therefore, documents containing signatures of other witnesses are not legally binding. For; the notary public is a person appointed by law to act as impartial witness to protect the signer and the purpose of the document. What’s more, the notary public signs and seals the document only on verifying the identity and authenticity of the parties signing the document. They have to produce identity proof that authenticates that they are truly the same person as they claim to be.


Notarizing documents is not a fuss, but a way to safeguard your interests.

Here’s the importance of notarizing documents.

·         For inexperienced people without any legal knowledge, entering into a legal agreement can be challenging and risky. Entering into an agreement without any overview can lead to unfortunate hassles in the future. Notarization saves the parties from falling into a trap of fraudulent and illicit activities.

·         A good reason for notarizing documents is to put the responsibility of signing an agreement on the parties involved. Once notarized, both parties are aware of the responsibility that comes along. It is also clear that steering away from the agreement can have legal consequences. It leaves them with no other choice but to abide by the agreement.

·         More often than not, agreements entered into without notarization are not considered fair. For; the maker of the agreement or witness is mostly partial and favors one side while preparing the document.

·         As an authorized notary public is witness to the signing of the agreement, a witness is not required in the court of law in case of legal repercussions in future. Notarized documents are capable of acting as strong evidence in the court of law.

So, notarizing documents is essential for complete safeguarding of the interests of all parties involved in the agreement.

Anshin Mobile Notary & Live Scan is also an authorized notary public that carries the responsibility of notarizing important documents and agreements. They provide unsurpassed services and possess a reputation of complete reliability.

For further detail, contact them at    

Monday, August 2, 2021

All You Need To Know About The Duties Of Notary Public

You would have undoubtedly visited a notary to get important documents notarized at least once in a lifetime. For; legal documents like business deals, power of attorney, wills etc are not termed valid until notarized by notary public, Los Angeles.

So, here’s everything you need to know about notary public.

Who is a notary public?

Notary public is a person appointed by the government to act as an impartial witness while signing significantly important documents. Documents signed in the presence of notary public and notarized are termed valid and are capable of being used as evidence in the court of law.

mobile notary services los angeles

Duties of Notary Public

The primary role of a notary public is to verify the authenticity of legal documents, screen the identity of signatories and ensure that the agreement is entered into with mutual consent. Categorically, the act of notarization deters fraud. So, when the documents meet the minimum requirements to be notarized and identity of signatories is verified, the notary public awards a certificate of notarization and appends the notary seal to the document. This act validates the documents and makes it fit to be treated as evidence in court of law.

Preventing fraud is therefore, the primary role of notary public. Besides this, other duties are:

·         They may be required to take oaths and affirmations during signing of documents.

·         Verifying the identity of signatories by checking their valid photo identification proofs.

·         They are responsible for affirming that the signatories have clearly understood the contents of the document.

·         They are also bound to ensure that the signatories are in the right state of mind and not under coercion of other influence while signing.

·         Completion of notary certificates appropriately on all documents is one of their primary duties.

·         The notary public is expected to identify fraud, if any.

·         Their duty is to maintain a notary journal with records of all activities.

·         Handling loan documents, marriage certificates and others.

This is why notary public is deemed in high regard for validation of documents.

What is not done by Notary Public?

Although the notary public ensures that the parties involved have a sound understanding of the contents of the document, they are not authorized or expected to verify the contents mentioned in the document. They are merely witness to the signing process and ensuring that the signatories are truly what they claim to be.

Why Notarization?

The notarization process has been put in place with the objective of deterring fraudulent activities and establishing the fact that the signatories are willing to sign and are well aware of the contents of the document.

So, a document that is notarized makes the involved parties accountable for the contents mentioned in the document.

Legal services los angeles

How to Become a Notary Public?

Considering the importance of notarizing documents, potential candidates are required to conduct a background check and qualify in an online exam. So, only a person certified to act as notary public can do so. None other is authorized to perform the duties of notary.

Anshin Mobile Notary & Live Scan is one such authorized notary that provides exceptional services.

For further details, contact them at   

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Advanced Live Scan Fingerprint Solution At An Affordable Price!


Fingerprint los angeles

There are various services that provide Live Scan Fingerprint in Los Angeles, however, it will be challenging for you to find a reliable service to fall back on. Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan delivers the best results for all kinds of professional fingerprint work along with Livescan, apostille, and notary. These services are available at affordable prices!

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Everything about New Age Fingerprinting

Live scan is a 100% inkless and paperless electronic system of capturing fingerprints efficiently. Gone are the days when fingerprinting required you to dip the fingers in ink and capture prints on paper. The paper also known as ink cards were carefully stored for future use.  Whenever a need for criminal identification was required, the fingerprints of suspects were sent to the FBI to be matched against the large database containing the RAP sheets (fingerprint cards) of various criminals. This manual screening mostly took days and weeks. What’s more, it was tedious and also prone to mistakes.

 The New Solution for Fingerprinting

So, Live scan service, Los Angeles is the easier and more effective solution for fingerprinting. Live scan centers are authorized by law to provide fingerprinting services. The scanner at the center captures the prints of applicants in a matter of seconds. Fingers are placed on the scanner by the certified technician to ensure capturing appropriate and legible prints.

FBI fingerprints los angeles

For; illegible and blurred prints are rejected, which leads to the repetition of fingerprinting process.  The electronically captured prints are then transmitted to the DOJ or FBI to be screened with the massive database of fingerprints available there. Manual screening is now replaced with the AFIS system, which automatically screens the prints with the database in a span of minutes.

Results are then returned to the live scan center, which then shares it with the agency or authority requesting the same. The results are strictly confidential and not shared with anyone else. In fact, even if another employer requests potential employees for fingerprint based background check, the applicant must repeat the process by producing a new live scan form as given by the employer or agency. The results of a previous live scan are not shared.

So, fingerprinting, unlike popular misconception, is used for other reasons besides nabbing criminals. It is used for background check of potential employees to ensure keeping a safe and secure workplace with 100% security of employees.

So, it is commonplace for applicants to be requested for live scan fingerprinting as a part of the pre-employment process. In most cases, the employer or agency provides the live scan form, which is to be filled by the applicant. The next step is to visit he live scan center, which may or may not be mentioned by the employer. In cases where it is, applicants can visit the center with prior appointment. In case it is not, then it is important to look for a reliable and reputed live scan center like Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan.

Reputed centers have certified technicians to capture the fingerprints. Although live scan has made fingerprinting simple and easy, odds of errors do exist if prints are not captured properly. A certified technician not only has the skills and training, but also has the experience of getting the fingers printed on the scanner in the right way. This helps in reducing the chances of errors, and thereby, the need for unnecessary repetition.

So, whether you are an employer or an applicant, employing the services of Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan is bound to prove beneficial.

For further details, contact them at    

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Importance of Los Angeles Police Department Fingerprinting!

Law enforcement has been using fingerprint analysis for ages now. It is used in identifying suspects and solving crime cases. Fingerprint in Los Angeles is the best way to find out the perpetrator of a crime scene. This is not the only place where fingerprint identification plays a major role, it is also very useful in sentencing, parole, and probation.

The Los Angeles Police Department really helps in identifying the suspects and stop further crimes through necessary measures. It really helps investigators link one crime scene to another if it involves the same person.

FBI fingerprints los angeles

One of the most important uses for fingerprints is to help investigators link one crime scene to another involving the same person. It also allows the cops to track down any kind of criminal record, or any previous arrest or conviction against the job applicant.

Taking fingerprints is not an easy task; it is always done by professionals through dusting techniques and chemical techniques when the surface is porous. New technologies allow the police to search through millions of fingerprints with the help of an automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS), which rapidly searches through millions of digitized fingerprint records.

If you have been looking for a reliable Fingerprint in Los Angeles, then contact Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan. They have some of the best experts working on accurate fingerprinting results at a good price. Connect with them by visiting or dial (310)695-1564 to know more.