Sunday, October 17, 2021

All You Need to Know About the AFIS

A set of fingerprints are entered into the computer, and before the wink of an eye, what flashes on the screen are the particulars of the person, his or her criminal history and other details. Thanks to technological advancements, what took hours and days in the past when done manually is now done in a matter of seconds and minutes.

Kudos to the efficient system; better known as AFIS!


AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) is an automated process of matching one or more fingerprints with several known and unknown fingerprints. AFIS in United States holds a large set of fingerprints obtained by the local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and cops. It is managed by the FBI. So, live scan centers providing fingerprint service, Los Angeles capture the client’s fingerprints and transmit the same electronically to the FBI. Here, the prints are matched with the vast database held by the FBI with the help of AFIS. Details are then returned to the requesting agency.

FBI fingerprints los angeles

AFIS – The Perfect System

Since the birth of the AFIS in the 1980’s, it has become central to the work of the police and other law enforcement agencies. It plays a primary role in personal identification of criminals, others and of people suspected to have committed a crime. So, when the police find a set of fingerprints at the crime site, they capture the same and match them with the FBI’s database to identify and nab the criminal. The same process is also used for background check of prospective employees, licensing, and prevention of fraudulent activities. What’s more, automation leaves no scope for errors. Captured prints are precisely matched and results returned quickly.

Before AFIS

The use of fingerprinting for personal identification has been in use for personal identification for over a century. However, the system of matching prints was manual prior to the birth of the AFIS. Then, fingers were dipped in ink and print captured on paper and stored as ‘RAP sheets.’ It was managed with the FBI. The FBI had an extensive database. When prints were required to be matched, expert technicians matched the prints manually with all the prints available at the FBI. It often took days to weeks for the results. So, the process suffered from shortcomings like elongated screening time and erroneous results.

So, modern technology of AFIS which successfully beats the laborious and time consuming manual process of the past seems magical. However, it did not come easy. Intensive research and development that went on for a long period of five decades has gone into the invention of this efficient tool that now makes fingerprint based identification much easier, quicker and convenient.

Fingerprint based Background Check with AFIS

The uniqueness of fingerprints and efficiency of AFIS has widened its use from criminal identification to other tasks, particularly background check. People applying for licenses or jobs are now requested by the agency or employer to conduct background check by visiting a live scan center like Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan. Here, the expert and experienced technician capture the fingerprints of clients with the help of a scanner in a few minutes. The same are then transmitted to the FBI or DOJ for screening. Results used for hiring and licensing decisions are then given to the requesting agency and none other than them.

So, for the best fingerprinting service is Los Angeles, visit them at

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