Sunday, June 27, 2021

Truth and Myths about Live Scan Fingerprinting

It is not surprising for applicants applying for a job or license to be requested to go for Live Scan, Los Angeles. Authorized live scan centers like Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan capture the applicants’ fingerprints and transmit the same to the FBI or DOJ for a criminal history response. The process is simple, easy and quick; mostly lasting for a few minutes.

However, common questions do linger in the minds of applicants.

Fingerprint los angeles

Clearing Doubts

Here are a few of the questions and their respective answers:

  • Is it possible for an employer to use fingerprint results taken earlier for another employer?

The law restricts employers and agencies to share the results of live scan with each other. This implies that each time an employer requests for fingerprinting, the process must be repeated. Results of criminal record are highly confidential and not shared with anyone else except the requesting agency.

  • Can people request for their personal criminal history background check?

In a bid to review information provided by the FBI or DOJ for accuracy and completeness, applicants can request for a personal background check through live scan fingerprinting.

  • What kind of details is provided by the FBI?

The DOJ and FBI provide the requesting agency with details of arrests that result in convictions. Convictions related to all criminal activities including sex related crimes, violent activities, involvement in drugs, violation of traffic rules, driving under the influence of alcohol and more so.

  • Does a criminal history essentially result in failure to get hired?

A criminal record of convictions does not essentially result in rejection. As details of the convictions are provided in the result, employers know exactly what they are getting into. For instance: If a person has been convicted for violation of traffic rules or for road accident, an employer may hire them for a desk job where driving is restricted.

  • How long does the DOJ or FBI take to give the results?

Thanks to the advent of electronic fingerprinting, i.e. live scan and the AFIS, fingerprinting results are received over a span of 24 to 48 hours as against the time span of days and weeks when inked fingerprinting was in vogue.

  • How should an applicant prepare for the fingerprinting appointment?

Here’s a list of things that the applicant must carry for the appointment.

  1. Government approved photo identification proof like driving license for the technician to check if the person is the same as the one they claim to be.
  2. Fee amount
  3. Request for live scan form, which is mostly provided by the requesting agency.
  4. INS/Resident green card for those who are not US citizens.
Live scan los angeles

  • What if fingerprints are rejected?

Although electronic fingerprinting has significantly axed the chances of errors and rejection, captured fingerprints are sometimes blurred and illegible due to a variety of factors. This leads to rejection. However, fingerprinting process must be repeated in case of rejection. Moreover, trained technicians at renowned centers like Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan possess the expertise to keep errors to the bare minimum.

So, whether you are an employer or prospective employee with a requirement for fingerprinting, it is advisable to choose a center that possesses experience and expertise.

For further details, contact them at

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