Wednesday, June 30, 2021

What led to the use of Fingerprinting for Personal Identification

Fingerprint, Los Angeles is rightly considered as the gold standard for personal identification. It owes its popular use to the fact that no two people share the same fingerprints; not even siblings and twins. Identifying criminals with their fingerprints is therefore, the most reliable method. In fact, the trustworthiness of this method has expanded its use beyond prisons and cops.

Employers, employment agencies and licensing authorities are using fingerprinting for background check of prospective applicants before making the final hiring and licensing decision. People with a criminal background are therefore, kept at bay, thereby leading to safe and secure workplaces.

Live scan service los angeles

The Initial Spark

However, although fingerprinting has been used for personal identification for over a century, what sparked its need was an interesting case that occurred at Leavenworth Penitentiary in Kansas.

A prisoner named Will West’s arrival in prison back in 1903 created a massive confusion. The records clerk at the prison confirmed that he had processed the same person two years ago for a crime. Will West continued to insist that he had never ever been there as a prisoner. The clerk, McClaughry checked the records; only to find a person named William West, whose photo was identical to Will West. Back then the Bertillon measurements (the dimensions of the key physical features) were used for identification of criminals.

Surprisingly, the Bertillon measurements of both William West and Will West were also the same, thus, revealing the shortcomings of the Bertillon system for personal identification. It was then that fingerprinting came into vogue for criminal identification.

Prior to this, the Bertillon system was used. Here’s the tale behind the birth of the Bertillon system.

The Bertillon system

Soon after the advent of photography, police kept images of rogues and criminals for identification. However, quick retrieval of important information continued to be challenging. Identifying a criminal from the countless images was undoubtedly tough. The need of the hour was a more organized system. This is when Alphonse Bertillon invented the Bertillon system. Here, images were recorded with measurements of the criminal’s key physical features.

The five important measurements included:

  • Head length
  • Head breadth
  • Length of middle finger
  • Length of left foot and
  • Length of cubit (the measurement of the forearm from the elbow to the extremity of the middle finger)

The length of the little finger and eye color were also recorded. The records were further divided into “small”, “medium” and “large” to make recording and retrieval simple and easy. The system was extremely helpful in creating a record of unique identifiers that proved to be helpful in tracking inmates, suspects and repeat offenders.

Fingerprint Service los angeles

Despite the difficulty in use, it was widely accepted as the standard method for keeping criminal records. The Bertillon system was standardized in 1888. It was used till 1903, when its shortcomings were exposed in the William West case. It was then that it came to light that physical measurements were not truly unique characteristics.

After almost 20 years, it was displaced by the easy-to-use and more reliable method of fingerprinting. What’s more, the advent of electronic fingerprinting through Live Scan has made capturing, recording and retrieval of fingerprints much easier and faster.

So, if you require fingerprinting for employment, licensing or others, Anshin Mobile Notary & Livescan is the perfect destination. For further details, contact them at

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Truth and Myths about Live Scan Fingerprinting

It is not surprising for applicants applying for a job or license to be requested to go for Live Scan, Los Angeles. Authorized live scan centers like Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan capture the applicants’ fingerprints and transmit the same to the FBI or DOJ for a criminal history response. The process is simple, easy and quick; mostly lasting for a few minutes.

However, common questions do linger in the minds of applicants.

Fingerprint los angeles

Clearing Doubts

Here are a few of the questions and their respective answers:

  • Is it possible for an employer to use fingerprint results taken earlier for another employer?

The law restricts employers and agencies to share the results of live scan with each other. This implies that each time an employer requests for fingerprinting, the process must be repeated. Results of criminal record are highly confidential and not shared with anyone else except the requesting agency.

  • Can people request for their personal criminal history background check?

In a bid to review information provided by the FBI or DOJ for accuracy and completeness, applicants can request for a personal background check through live scan fingerprinting.

  • What kind of details is provided by the FBI?

The DOJ and FBI provide the requesting agency with details of arrests that result in convictions. Convictions related to all criminal activities including sex related crimes, violent activities, involvement in drugs, violation of traffic rules, driving under the influence of alcohol and more so.

  • Does a criminal history essentially result in failure to get hired?

A criminal record of convictions does not essentially result in rejection. As details of the convictions are provided in the result, employers know exactly what they are getting into. For instance: If a person has been convicted for violation of traffic rules or for road accident, an employer may hire them for a desk job where driving is restricted.

  • How long does the DOJ or FBI take to give the results?

Thanks to the advent of electronic fingerprinting, i.e. live scan and the AFIS, fingerprinting results are received over a span of 24 to 48 hours as against the time span of days and weeks when inked fingerprinting was in vogue.

  • How should an applicant prepare for the fingerprinting appointment?

Here’s a list of things that the applicant must carry for the appointment.

  1. Government approved photo identification proof like driving license for the technician to check if the person is the same as the one they claim to be.
  2. Fee amount
  3. Request for live scan form, which is mostly provided by the requesting agency.
  4. INS/Resident green card for those who are not US citizens.
Live scan los angeles

  • What if fingerprints are rejected?

Although electronic fingerprinting has significantly axed the chances of errors and rejection, captured fingerprints are sometimes blurred and illegible due to a variety of factors. This leads to rejection. However, fingerprinting process must be repeated in case of rejection. Moreover, trained technicians at renowned centers like Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan possess the expertise to keep errors to the bare minimum.

So, whether you are an employer or prospective employee with a requirement for fingerprinting, it is advisable to choose a center that possesses experience and expertise.

For further details, contact them at

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Fingerprint Scanning Is Now Done With Maximum Ease

Live scan los angeles

Live scanning inkless electronic means of fingerprint capturing and scanning a digital format of a fingerprint and then transmitting the fingerprint scan to the state repository such as the California Department of Justice and the FBI. Earlier fingerprint impressions were taken by applying ink on each finger and rolled on fingerprint cards. This method proved to be messy, and the captures were of poor quality. The electronic processing of fingerprint proved to be much more accurate and helpful in tracing the criminal history within matters of hours of the fingerprints reaching the concerned department. The scanned impressions are verified for criminal history in the FBI criminal database. Live scan Los Angeles can provide fingerprint technicians with the opportunity to feed fingerprints repeatedly to ensure the capture of the images is of the best quality possible. Fingerprinting authentication is used as it cannot be faked, unlike social security numbers. It gives a complete background check of an individual and prevents an individual from lying to procure a job. The accuracy of a name-based check can have a fallacy but when it comes to fingerprint identification, information is thorough, and a complete check is performed by the FBI from its existing database. Fingerprints are unique to an individual and cannot be replicated by anyone. These are recognized as the gold standard for identification. Electronic scanning for fingerprinting eliminates the cause for error and multiple hits can be made through the system until the most accurate impressions are procured. Visit to learn about the process in details or call 424-253-8149 for direct interaction with the experts. 


Monday, June 7, 2021

Why Is Background Check Important For Employers?

The last thing on an employer’s mind while sifting through the multiple resumes of potential hires is misleading or false information. Most of the information provided by applicants is mostly true. However, they often succumb to fabricating their resumes. And, as a wrong hire is capable of threatening the company’s reputation, lowering employee morale and more, employers are popularly including background check in the pre employment process. They often request the applicants to conduct background check through Live Scan, Los Angeles. Here, fingerprints are captured and screened to determine whether or not the applicant has a criminal background.

Live scan los angeles

Importance of Background Check

Here’s why background check is imperative.

  • Thanks to the tough competition, getting a job is anything but easy. Applicants often fabricate information about their education credentials experience and more so. Hiring them without verifying the given information may result in a wrong hire that is incompetent for the job.
  • Hiring a person with a criminal background of theft is dangerous for the company as well as the employees. Including background check in the pre employment process is an assurance of safety.
  • It saves employers from undue liability for the acts of their employees. For instance: A company hires an employee who dupes the fellow employees of money. On checking, the cops find out that the person was charged for the same crime thrice before and has served a sentence. Neglecting background check would make the employer liable for the acts of the employee. Criminal background check is therefore, recommended to steer away from undue liabilities.
  • Odds are high that the people applying for a job may be sex offenders, violent criminals etc. The risk of hampering workplace and employee safety is reasonably high. Workplace safety is compromised in such cases. No employer would want to create an impression of an unsafe workplace. Criminal background check saves employers from these devastating experiences.
  • At the end of it all, a right hire is equivalent to peace of mind. Simply knowing that the hire is undoubtedly the right person for the right job is assuring.
FBI fingerprints los angeles

So, instead of driving up the walls worrying about the right hire, employers must include fingerprint based background check in the pre-employment process. Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan can help.

It is an authorized live scan center that provides fingerprint service, Los Angeles. Customers can visit the center for live scan and notary requirements. The technician capturing fingerprints are certified, which reduces the scope for errors in the prints. So, delay and inconvenience are absent. The prints are captured with a live scanner in a few minutes. They are then electronically transmitted to the DOJ or FBI for screening with their extensive database of fingerprints of criminals. The results are then returned to the requesting employer or agency, on which they can base their hiring decision.

For fingerprinting services, Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan is the best. For further details contact them at     

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Where To Do Live Scan In Los Angeles?


FBI fingerprints los angeles

Fingerprints are unique to an individual and cannot be replicated by anyone. These are recognized as the gold standard for identification. Electronic scanning for fingerprinting eliminates the cause for error and multiple hits can be made through the system until the most accurate impressions are procured. Contact Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan for Live Scan in Los Angeles.  Visit to learn about the process in details or call 424-253-8149 for direct interaction with the experts.