Wednesday, December 22, 2021

How to Fill the Live Scan Request Form

Although fingerprinting through Live Scan, Los Angeles has become common, especially for employee background check, you may still be unaware of the process, until you require it for the first time. First things first; employment agencies, employers or licensing authorities may request applicants to conduct background check as a part of the employment or licensing process. So, odds are high that you too may need to conduct fingerprinting at least once in a lifetime. It is therefore, a good idea keep some information about the same.

Live Scan Request Form  

The agencies may either provide applicants with the Live Scan request form or ask them to find the same on the website, take a print out and carry the filled form to the Live Scan center. Considering the fact that fingerprinting is an important process, it is normal to be skeptical about filling the form. Applicants may consider taking help from the technician at the center before submission.

However, it is important for them to understand that the technician is certified and experienced in his task of taking impressions correctly. In fact, they are also responsible for capturing clear and legible fingerprints. What’s more, they even recapture the prints more than once in case of discrepancy. So, although he or she is an expert at this job, they may not prove to be helpful in filling the Live Scan Request form. They are not equipped with knowledge of the same.

It is therefore, advisable to fill the form yourself or take help from the employment agency requesting for the form.

Here’s why the technician would be at a loss in offering help and why you can do it yourself.

  • Personal Information: Personal Information like first name, middle name, last name, date of birth, height, weight etc is required. These details are known to none others but the applicant itself.
  • ORI (Originating Agency Identification): Every employer or agency requesting for Live Scan is given an ORI (a unique code) by the DOJ. The results of background check are returned to the agency based on this unique code. Multiple agencies with innumerable such codes exist around the state and country. Technicians are unaware of this and therefore, unable to provide required information.
  • More than one live scan form: A variety of live scan forms depending on the job or license being applied for are available. Technicians might make a mistake about the type of form required. It is therefore, recommended to enquire with the agency about the type of form required and then fills the same.
  • Other Information: Other details required in the form include Eye color, hair color, height, and weight, and social security number, place of birth and residence address. These can be filled by the applicant conveniently. They are certainly not available with the technician.

So, filling the form with personal details does not categorically require the assistance or help of a Live Scan technician. In fact, visiting the center with a completed live scan request form ensures quick and smooth movement of the fingerprinting process. On submission of the live scan request form, the technician captures the prints in not more than a few seconds. So, completing the form prior to taking the appointment is ideal. Besides filling the form appropriately, it is also important to choose the right live scan center that is authorized, employs certified technicians and provides unsurpassed services. One such is Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan.

For further details, contact them at 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Raising the Curtain from Background Check Myths

Thanks to the significant technological advancements, fingers, palms, irises and face are being used as biometrics authentication almost everywhere. Your office entrance asks for biometric authentication with the face ID or fingerprints. In fact, the smart phone you use everyday also has a face ID or palm prints. The use of passwords has declined and successfully replaced with biometric identification of various kinds.

Biometrics in Background check  

More important things where fingerprints are used are in is background check of prospective employees and license applicants. Most employers and licensing authorities require applicants to conduct background check through live scan service, Los Angeles. This is done to peep into their criminal background in a bid to ensure hiring right. In fact, some industries are mandated by law to conduct background check while hiring.

FBI fingerprints los angeles

Busting Myths of Background Check

However; although including background check in the pre-employment process is beneficial, there are certain myths surrounding the same.

Here’s a list of a few.

Fingerprint based background checks take a long time to give results: Well, this was true years ago, but not anymore. Thanks to live scan service, fingerprints are now electronically captured in less than five minutes. The same are transmitted to the FBI or DOJ almost immediately. What’s more, with the AFIS in place at the FBI, scanning prints and sending results is done across a span of 24 to 72 hours. So, it is quick and therefore, decisions can be made without delay.

Caretakers around vulnerable audience always go through background check: As kids and seniors are more vulnerable o criminal acts, it is always beneficial to conduct background check before hiring them. However, it is a mistake to presume that all people applying for such responsible positions through agencies. To save yourself from grave situations, it is advisable check whether background check has been conducted or not prior to hiring.

All kinds of background check return the same results: Besides fingerprint based authentication, background check through name, date of birth etc is also prevalent. However, it is a myth that all of them return similar results. Fingerprint based background check screens the prints with the database held at the FBI. Some background check return results searched from the Internet using name and other details. A few others are done by companies by checking through name. Well, as the same can belong to more than one person, odds are high that the information received is incorrect. However, as fingerprints are unique and are screened with the extensive database of criminal records at the FBI, they are the most reliable.

Companies providing home services hire only trustworthy employees: This is a myth. All companies providing home services like plumbing, electricians, cleaners etc may not include background check as a part of their pre-employment process. Presuming that all of them do it may be a grave mistake. So, it is advisable to check with the companies before hiring such home services.

So, now that the myths are busted, you can conduct background check to serve your purpose.

Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan service is not only reliable, but also provides exceptional services. For further details, contact tem at