For over a century, fingerprinting has been popularly used for personal identification and background check of an individual. It has been the most reliable method of personal identification. Unlike names, addresses and other details that can be replicated, fingerprints cannot be copied or duplicated. It has been proven time and again that no two people have the same fingerprints; not even siblings or twins. Thanks to its uniqueness, fingerprints that were conventionally used to nab criminals have now widened the scope to corporate organizations. Various organizations, agencies and industries require pre employment fingerprinting for employees and caretakers of seniors and children.
Types of Fingerprinting Services
Different types of fingerprinting services, Los Angeles are available. Understanding the options can help organizations decide the method that best suits them. In fact, more than option can also be used for faultless background check.
So, here’s the list of different fingerprinting services.
- Ink Fingerprinting Method: This age old method has long been the best method for personal identification. The term itself conjures up images of crime shows where the detective or cops would pick up latent prints from things and match it with the inked prints from a database or existing people. Here, an individual’s fingers are dipped in ink and rolled onto a card, which is either added to the database or sent for screening. This conventional method seems outdated, but continues to be used in some industries even now. However, it suffers from setbacks like delays as manual screening takes much longer than the automated method. Moreover, manual screening is also prone to errors.
- Electronic Fingerprinting: It successfully overcomes the shortcomings of the conventional method. Scanners are used to capture fingerprints and transmit them to the FBI or DOJ for further screening. What’s more, the FBI too uses the AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) that automatically screens the captured fingerprints with the FBI’s extensive database in a matter of minutes. This easy-to-use technology solution is less prone to errors, is quick and less messy due to the absence of ink. What’s more, results can be easily stored and accessed digitally. It is easy for employers as the hiring process is quicker as digital fingerprinting has made the background check process much faster than what it was before.
- Fingerprint Criminal Record Research: Fingerprint based background check is conducted to gain an insight into the criminal background of applicants. The captured prints are matched with the prints present in the FBI’s database of criminals. However, the FBI records details of arrests and convictions provided by state and federal law enforcement agencies and police departments. They may often fail to have the complete information. Employers who require in-depth information may conduct further research by employing background screening companies. For instance: An employer would hire the services of such agencies to verify the educational credentials of an applicant. Such services supplement the electronic fingerprinting services.
Every organization has different goals while choosing the various elements to be included in the background check process. The choice of fingerprint services is based on the goals. Employers and agencies can choose the service catering to their needs and requirements. They can then choose the service provider offering the best services.
One such is Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan.
For further details, contact them at