Tuesday, April 27, 2021

All You Need to Know About Fingerprinting

The Science of fingerprinting has traversed a long and eventful journey from ink fingerprinting to electronic FBI fingerprint, Los Angeles. Live Scan centers now capture fingerprints through a scanner and then transmit the same electronically to the FBI or DOJ for matching with their extensive database. What’s more, the automated identification system at the FBI matches the fingerprints automatically in a few minutes. These technological advancements have reduced the scope of errors in fingerprinting. However, occurrence of errors is not completely eliminated. Two percent of fingerprints are still rejected by the FBI. What’s more, 75% of these are accepted after being captured for the second time. So, if applicants follow the norms the first time itself, delay and inconvenience due to rejection can be avoided.

FBI fingerprints los angeles

Avoiding Rejection

So, understanding the causes for low quality fingerprinting is imperative before visiting the live scan center.

  • Washing hands too often with soap or disinfectant.
  • Frequent involvement in activities like rock climbing, weight lifting etc.
  • Excessive exposure to chemicals, bleach and more so.
  • Sometimes, ridges become harder to capture after a certain age.
  • Frequent involvement in typing or handling papers.

Taking a break from rigorous activities, applying lotion a few days before the fingerprinting appointment and using alcohol swabs or soap and water to clean hands of debris ensure capturing high quality fingerprints.

Special Circumstances

Besides these, some special circumstances are the cause of low quality fingerprinting. Here are the ways to deal with these:

  • Capturing the print of deformed fingers is challenging. However, a device, better known as spoon can be used to capture fingerprints as efficiently as possible. It is advisable to take both rolled and flat impressions of all fingers. If the problem persists, a notation in the fingerprint block (webbed or deformed) is mentioned.
  • Missing fingers refer to a situation where the finger is present but cannot be printed due to an injury. A notation for each missing finger must be filled in the block.
  • In case of fully amputated fingerprints, the notation must be mentioned in each fingerprint block.
  • In case of partially amputated fingers, fingerprint of the available part of the finger must be captured. Capturing both flat and rolled impressions is advisable.
  • In case the tip of a finger or fingers is amputated, capturing flat and rolled prints of the existing part is recommended.
  • Some people have one or more extra fingers. Here, the thumb and first four finger impressions is captured. The impression of the extra finger is left out.
  • Flat and rolled impressions of scarred fingers are taken. Notations are not required.
  • Work and age often blurs the ridges, which makes fingerprinting challenging. In such case, a procedure called milking the finger is done. The ridges are raised to facilitate clear impressions.
Fingerprint los angeles

The above tips reduce the chances of rejection. Well, experienced authorities at live scan centers take care of these points to avoid inconvenience to their customers.  

One such customer centric live scan center is Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan.

For further details, find them at: www.anshinotary.com

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

FBI Fingerprints Los Angeles


The background checks will show if an individual has been arrested in the past. If you have requested a DOJ only fingerprint Los Angeles the fingerprint will be matched with the DOJ database, compiled from the Californian police and court record. Our technician will help you fill the form. Contact us at https://www.anshinotary.com. Your live scan is just a call away at 424-253-8149. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Are Technicians Helpful in Filling Live Scan Form

California’s DOJ (Department of Justice) provides live scan fingerprinting services that are followed by subsequent background check and response across the state. Multiple live scan centers are authorized for live scan fingerprinting, Los Angeles 

About Live Scan Technicians

Certified live scan technicians at these centers are responsible for capturing the fingerprints and transferring them to the DOJ. They are highly professional and extremely patient. Patiently, they help applicants in capturing the images with utmost clarity. In fact, they even recapture the images, if required until they get it perfectly. For; imperfect or blur images lead to rejection, which causes inconvenience.  

FBI fingerprints los angeles

Live Scan Form and Technicians

So, the technician’s expertise and zeal for perfection saves the applicant’s time and money. However, although the technicians are experts at what they do, their knowledge is restricted to fingerprinting. They do not possess the knowledge to fill the live scan form.

Here’s why.

  • Requires Personal Information: Personal information like Name, Date of Birth, Address, Weight, height, eye color etc are required to be filled in the form. None other than the applicant has this information. So, the applicant must fill it. However, it is important to do it carefully; without errors.
  • Identity of Requesting Agency: Employment, government agencies and child adoption centers commonly require background check from applicants to ensure safety from people with criminal background. Every requesting agency has a unique code given by the DOJ. This code (Originating Agency Identification) is required in the form, as the response after background check is sent to the requesting agency. This identification number is known only to the agency and not the technician. Applicants must get this number filled in the form by the agency’s official.
  • Type of Form: Different kinds of live scan request forms are available depending on the kind of job one is applying for. Only the agency that is requesting for background check will be aware of the right form to be attained. The technician cannot be of any help in this matter.
  • Kind of Background Check: The DOJ specifies the type of background check that is requested by the agency in question. The background check could be with the DOJ, FBI, CACI or firearms.
  • DOJ: The DOJ maintains state level criminal database. So, the live scan request form for the DOJ will scan fingerprints with the database of State-wide arrests and convictions.
  • FBI: The FBI maintains the nation-wide criminal database. If the requesting agency intends to verify the applicant’s details with all arrests and convictions across the country, then this form is required.
  • CACI: It refers to Child Abuse Central Index. It includes data related to people who have a past history of abusing children or being convicted for any other crime against children. In case of a background check of people interested in adoption, this form is required for background check of the applicants, so as to ensure handing over the child to reliable caretakers without a criminal background.
  • Firearms: People applying for the job of a guard or in a law enforcement agency are given this form to verify if they are eligible to hold firearms.
Fingerprint los angeles

The live scan technician cannot be expected to possess knowledge about the above points. It is therefore, advisable for the applicants to visit the live scan center, prepared with the filled form using the above mentioned information.

With a properly filled form, the process can move on easily without hindrance, thus, saving time.  

The procedure after the submission of the form is smoothly carried out by the technicians at the live scan center.

For reliable fingerprinting services, Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan is the perfect choice.

For further details, contact them at www.anshinotary.com    


Monday, April 5, 2021

Do You Know How Live Scans Are Done?


FBI fingerprints los angeles

A live scan system is a machine that scans the fingerprint of a person. These scans are processed, and the image is received by a Fingerprint Identification System against which a search is conducted through the database. This is a practice followed by the FBI to trace criminal record against individuals who are seeking license for employment. This allows fast checks and is a paperless means of identification. The images are cleaner compared to the paper and ink format that used to be followed earlier.  The advantage of the live scan is, they scan the fingerprint and do not merely treat it as an image. Software controls the process and with the help of our assistant, the finger scan is easily taken. After the images of the scan are captured, the images are enlarged by the process of ‘clean up’. The contrast is adjusted to reveal their clarity. The FBI fingerprints Los Angeles, take about 3-5 days to check for criminal records if any. Contact us at https://www.anshinotary.com/ or call 424-253-8149 for your live scan today.