The use of fingerprints, Los Angeles for personal identification is a century old practice. It dates back to the early use in Babylonia to mark business transactions. Eventually, it was used to nab criminals and solve criminal cases.
Using Fingerprints
Criminal activities cannot be done without the use of hands. Fingerprints are often left behind by criminals, which help in identifying them by matching the prints with the vast database of criminals at the FBI. In fact, it is acceptable in the courts of law across the globe as valuable evidence.
However, what was used to mark business transactions in the past is popularly used today as the core technology in biometric security devices too. Employees use their fingers to cross the security device at the entrance of the workplace. Smart phones also use fingerprint technology for locking and unlocking. What’s more, they are used for background check of employees and caregivers of the vulnerable population like seniors and kids. Fingerprint based background check helps employers to keep unscrupulous and fake people at bay. So, fingerprints are used to identify people who intend to conceal their identity or people who are deceased during natural calamities.
Importance of Fingerprints
So, fingerprint technology is undeniably the gold standard in the forensic community. Here’s why.
- Detailed: The patterns seen on the tips of fingers are complex and detailed. Each pattern differs from the other; thereby enabling the technician to identify the right person with the same prints.
- Unique: Time and again, research has proved that no two fingerprints are the same; not even in twins. The uniqueness of fingerprints makes it the best tool for personal, error-free identification.
- Permanent: Fingerprints that a person derives in the third or fourth month of pregnancy remain the same across their lifespan. They remain unchanged from childhood to the time a person dies. In fact, they exist till the topmost or epidermal layer gets destroyed after death. What’s more, fingerprints cannot be changed or concealed even after a surgery. Many people have known to try this, but failed miserably. So, this is the permanent and reliable identity provided by nature to every individual. The ridges on the tips of the fingers cannot be destroyed by burning, cutting or rubbing.
- Universal: Nature has given this identification to every individual across the globe. For almost all activities, hands and fingers are used. Prints are left behind by criminals, which can be used for identification.
- Convenient Classification: Fingerprints can be easily classified and matched as every individual’s print is significantly different from the others. What’s more, the Automated Fingreprint Identification System now used at the FBI can screen a set of fingreprints with millions of fingerprints on the database across a short span of minutes.
The aforementioned characteristics of fingerprints enable them to be the gold standard for personal identification. They are commonly used for background check too. Live scan centers have been authorized by law to capture and transmit fingerprints of applicants. One such center where it can be conveniently done is Anshin Mobile Notary & Live Scan.
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