From times immemorial, FBI fingerprints, Los Angeles, CA are popularly used for personal identification. They play a crucial role in confirming or disproving a person’s identity. There are three main patterns in fingerprints; arches, whorls and loops. Minor details of the shape, size, number and arrangement of these patterns make each fingerprint different from the other. So, considering the uniqueness of individual fingerprints, they have the potential to solve a variety of criminal cases and nabbing the criminals. In fact, in civil background check, matching fingerprints with the enormous database of the FBI reveals whether the person has a criminal record or not. This is why fingerprint based background check is now popularly used by employers and agencies to take a sneak peek into the applicant’s past, so as to ensure workplace safety.
Most applicants are requested to conduct a background check by visiting a Live Scan center to capture fingerprints electronically. They are then transmitted to the DOJ or FBI, where the AFIS (Automatic Fingerprint Identification System) gateway automatically matches the impressions with the database and returns the results across a span of 24 to 48 hours. The AFIS classifies fingerprints into three different categories:
- Rolled Impressions
- Flat Impressions and
- Latent Prints.
Here are the details of these:
Rolled impressions are images taken by rolling each finger from one side to the other. The size of rolled prints is therefore, larger and also has a larger number of minutiae.
Flat impressions are obtained by pressing the finger on a flat surface. Flat prints have clear ridge impressions.
Latent fingerprints are lifted from various surfaces like glass, tables etc, that are inadvertently touched, as seen in most crime scenes. It is natural for these images to be blurred, highly distorted and of poor quality. So, while the AFIS works in an automatic or semi automatic mode to match rolled and flat impressions, it returns a list of top candidates when matching latent fingerprints. These are then matched further by latent fingerprint experts manually.
The quality of fingerprints has a significant impact on the system accuracy. So, although it is challenging to find high quality latent impressions; ensuring the clarity of the ridge structure of fingerprints in the database is helpful. It makes it easier to find the top matches. At the time of enrollment, fourteen impressions of rolled and plain fingerprints are obtained. Thanks to technological advancements, this is now done electronically through a Live Scan machine at authorized live scan centers, unlike the traditional system of dipping fingers in ink and printing impressions on fingerprint cards. Moreover, the introduction of the AFIS gateway has made matching images easier, as against the manual process that was in vogue before. The gateway is known to be highly precise. What’s more, it can process around 3,000 prints per day.
However, for best results, it is advisable to approach a reputed live scan center that provides unsurpassed services. Anshin Mobile Notary & LiveScan is one such center.
For further details, contact them at FBI fingerprints los angeles